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易迅联参加GrabCAD Shop Challenge设计大奖赛

发表时间:2020-07-26 15:24

Grabcad 是一个国际知名的设计师网站, 提供数量巨大的设计资源, 易迅联凭着自身设计资源丰富的优势, 参加了此次的设计大奖赛, 以简单, 简约并容易生产的设计解决实际问题. 大大方便来此设计的产品未来用家.



Welcome to the first GrabCAD Shop Challenge. With the release of GrabCAD Shop, we wanted to see what you could create. With this challenge, we would like you to create a functional tool that we can 3D print and it be requested on GrabCAD Shop!

We are looking for the Community to create something unique to be 3D printed. How far can your own creativity take you to create something great?

Now you are asking yourself what should I create? We can help by putting you on the right path. We would like you to create something that can be used in the real world. May it be a camera mount, a door stopper, a stronger screwdriver, or a jig and fixture that no one has created before. We want you to come up with something and give us reasons for why this is practical and useful in the real world and how 3D printing can help speed up this process.

All finalists will be invited to check out GrabCAD Shop. You’ll be able to use Shop and showcase its features. You will even get the chance to send your entry as a print job using GrabCAD Shop, when we’ll then 3D print it for you.



    1. Unique Design

    2. A Document explaining what problem you wanted to fix and how your part will fix that problem. Must go into detail on why your part is considered the best solution for this problem.

    3. How strong is this part? Can it survive in harsh conditions?

  • Requirements needed for Submission:

    Your Tool/Part must be 3D Printable. (Use GrabCAD Print to see if your model is 3d Printable)

    Must be able to fit in a Stratasys F370 Build Volume. 355 x 254 x 355 mm

    A document explaining why your solution will be able to solve whatever problem you choose.

    STEP of design space(s)


    Final design file

    Must have GrabCAD Print save file

    Stress analysis



    By entering the Challenge you:

    1) Accept the official GrabCAD Challenges Terms & Conditions.
    2) Agree to be bound by the decisions of the judges (Jury).
    3) Warrant that you are eligible to participate.
    4) Warrant that the submission is your original work. Warrant, to the best of your knowledge, your work is not, and has not been in production or otherwise previously published or exhibited.
    5) Warrant neither the work nor its use infringes the intellectual property rights (whether a patent, utility model, functional design right, aesthetic design right, trademark, copyright or any other intellectual property right) of any other person.
    6) Warrant participation shall not constitute employment, assignment or offer of employment or assignment.
    7) Are not entitled to any compensation or reimbursement for any costs.
    8) Agree the Sponsor and GrabCAD have the right to promote all entries.


    Only entries uploaded to GrabCAD through the "Submit entry" button on this Challenge page will be considered an entry. Only public entries are eligible. We encourage teams to use GrabCAD Workbench for developing their entries. Entries are automatically given the tag "grabcadshopchallenge2020" when uploading to GrabCAD. Please do not edit or delete this tag. Only entries with valid tag will participate in the Challenge.


    The sum of the Awards is the total gross amount of the reward. The awarded participant is solely liable for the payment of all taxes, duties, and other similar measures if imposed on the reward pursuant to the legislation of the country of his/her residence, domicile, citizenship, workplace, or any other criterion of similar nature. Only 1 award per person. Prizes may not be transferred or exchanged. All winners will be contacted by the GrabCAD staff to get their contact information and any other information needed to get the prize to them. Payment of cash awards is made through PayPal. All team awards will be transferred to the member who entered the Challenge.

  • We will release the finalists before the announcement of the winners to give the Community an opportunity to share their favorites in the comments, discuss concerns, and allow time for any testing or analysis by the Jury. The Jury will take the feedback into consideration when picking the winners.

    Winning designs will be chosen based on the Rules and Requirements.

  • Schedule

    This Challenge ends on July 27th, 2020 (23:59 EST.) Finalists will be announced on August 3rd, 2020. Winners will be announced on August 10th, 2020.


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